Recent news from Timeduty
Several general improvements
A number of improvement was released, some examples:
- Improved performance of pages when not logged in
- Possibility to filter reports on quarter
- Added possibility of new mail notification based on project end time
Time in decimal format
The report 'Time report - Detailed' has now been improved with the possibility to generate time in decimal format.
This enables the administrators to more easily perform calculations in Excel after generating the report.
A large number of security improvements has also been implemented. acquired by DevFrenzy AB
We are proud to present that have been acquired by DevFrenzy AB from HR-Centralen. All current agreements have been transferred and will continue as is.
New report for all users
A new report (My reported time / project) has been created, available for all users. This report enables the user to get an easy overview of how much
time he/she has registered during selected time period, grouped on a project/activity level.
Small improvements and bug correction has also been made on datetime popups, to better support swedish datetime formats.
Improvements to GDPR functionality
Improvements has been made to make it easier for administrators to delete old information registered by the users. This will also make it easier to
comply with GDPR regulations.
Possibility to add extra mail recipients to warning and disable mails
When configuring the rules for sending warning mails or mails after automatic disable of project extra mail recipients can now be added.
A number of changes to be compliant with GDPR has been made.
A new view for approving registered time has been developed. This to enable quick handling when having large number of users.
Lowering the license fee when not all users enabled
Earlier all users, disregaring if they were enabled or not, needed a license. We have decided (and implemented) that only enabled users will need
user licenses.
It is now also possible for administrators to change username/mail address for users.
Possibility to automatically disable projects after end date
It is now possible to configure the system to disable the project (preventing further time reporting) when the project end date
are exceeded with X days.

It is now also possible to select to include the department and result unit of users in the detailed time report.
Improvements has been made to the time report forms, to prevent errors due to cut and paste into comment textbox from external programs.
Possibility to automatically disable projects and send mail to project manager when exceeding % estimated time
It is now possible to configure the system to disable the project (preventing further time reporting), or to send a notification email
to the project manager when the reported time exceeds a % of total estimated time.
General improvements of the excel formats of reports has been implemented.
It is now also possible to export the report 'Approval list'.
New reports, possibility to export in approve time page and performance improvements
Main focus of this release is two new reports. The 'Projects' report contains general information about projects and a total sum of
both estimated and reported time independent on when the time was registered.
A similar report on Activity level has also been released.
In the time approval module, export possibilities has been added to the page where admin can approve time.
Project start and end date has been added as columns in the Time / Project report.
Modifications on index in database has also been implemented to improve performance in the reports.
Bug fixes and performance improvements
A small patch containing a number of minor bugfixes and performance improvements.
More filter functionality in reports
Introduced possibility to quickfilter on 'Last Week' in all reports. In the weekly timesheet a column that shows total time registered for each activity for selected week has been added.
In addition a number of small bugg fixes has been released
Automatic email reminder of time registration
It is now possible to configure if an automatic mail should be sent to users once per month to remind them to register time.
Upgraded export to excel in reports
The export to excel in reports has been upgraded to export to xlsx-files instead of xls-files.
This improves both performance and solves a number of client security issues.
Please note: This also solves the issue caused by Microsoft bug in Excel that prevents users to open excel files (xls-files) downloaded
from external domains.
Improved security and bug fixes
A small patch containing a number of minor bugfixes and security enhancements.
General improvements
A number of minor bugfixes and enhancements. For example it is now possible to delete activity under a project even if there are time
entries there (after standard warning).
SSL support - Security improvement
2015-12-01 now only supports browsing using secured connection (https - SSL). Previously it has been possible to use unencrypted connection
(http) but to improve the security for our users we now only supports secure connections.
New smartphone interface for time registration
For users that want to use their smartphone for timesheet registrations we now have created
an interface better adjusted to the resolutions normally used in smartphones.
This will better support users not able to easily reach their computers to register their time in the timesheet system.
Diversified pricelist depending on number of users
In order to differentiate the pricelist depending on the number of users, functionality for supporting this has now been implemented.
During this year the pricelist will be modified to adjust according to this.
More information to the time reporter released
In order to give the time reporter better possibility of reviewing his/hers reported
time, a separate report has been created that is accessable for the normal user.
Other minor improvements have also been deployed including improvements such as: Better
performance when generating reports, more information in the summary of Mileage Log
reports, etc. adds time approval functionality
In order for administrators to better keep track on registered time has
now released time approval functionality in the timesheet platform. This will enable
the administrators to inspect and approve the timesheets registered by the users.
Read more about the new release releases new version of timesheet system
2011-06-07 has today released an updated version of the timesheet solution. The
main focus of the release is performance improvements and the possibility to copy
project activities between projects.
Read more about the new release adds timer/stopwatch functionality
In order to aid the users in keeping track of times used on activities,
has released a stopwatch/timer functionality. This adds to the flexibility to select
the way for entering time that best suits the user.
Read more about the stopwatch functionality
Expense tracking functionality added in new release
2011-02-17 releases a new version that adds support for expense tracking. This
functionality enables users to easily enter transactions and administrators can
create reports with flexible filtering options.
Read more about the expense tracking functionality adds online mileage log functionality
The focus of the new release is the new Mileage Log functionality enabling users
to easy keep an accurate record of mileage drive.
Read more about online mileage log functionality
Article at
Time Duty is one of these highly-practical applications that can let you track the
time spent both by you and those who are under your authority on tasks and projects.
Using Time Duty, it is very easy to get...
Read the article at
Release of improved support for iPad
Apple iPad is used more and more often by business users. We feel that the timing
is absolute perfect to release a new version of our could-based timesheet system
with improved support for iPad.
Read more about the iPad support
Release of daily time overview
Main focus of the new release is an increased overall performance and the possibility
for the users to enter time entries in a daily overview.
Read more about the daily timesheet overview
Article - Selecting the Right Time Reporting System
Just pick one of the systems on the market, that should be fairly easy.. Or?
Selecting a suitable time reporting systems can be harder than you think. Just picking
a system without investigating the needs and functions results in a possible situation
where the users get a system that is over complicated. This would lead to that the
efforts to chase in the timesheets increases, which is probably contrary to what
you were aiming for in the first place!
Read more about selecting the correct timesheet system