Mileage Log online

An online mileage log

The Mileage Log functionality enables car or truck drivers to easy keep an accurate record of mileage drive. This could for example be used in situations where drivers of company-owned cars and commercial truck drivers are required to create a detailed mileage log.
It is also possible to connect the mileage log entries to specific projects

Mileage log report

For the administrator it is easy to get an overview of the registered mileage logs. It is possible to generate a Mileage log report that can be filtered on for example username, projects etc. The report can also be exported to Excel or XML.

Optional and free of charge

This module does not increase the cost of using the system, but are free to use for all customers using

Free evaluation

Evaluation time is 30 days and if you do not want to continue using our service you do not have to do anything. There is no cost involved for evaluating us.
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